China is experiencing the rapid transformation of urbanization, with mass population migration float- ing from rural provincial areas to large cities, which brings huge challenge for the authority to foster sustain- able urban development. While right spatial policies always play important roles in urban development, power- ful tools are needed to validate the empirical policies by modelling the urban spatial evolution process. Land-use/Transport Interaction Model (LUTI) has been used frequently in urban policy-making and scenario testing in developed countries. LUTI model are often used to answer questions like "what impacts on urban space could a certain amount of floorspace development in a certain zone bring? How would urban activity spa- tial pattern change if a highway be developed?" i.e. "what-if' questions. It has been proved especially useful in modelling urban spatial development process and developing sustainable policies. Notwithstanding the use- fulness, the LUTI model deals with cities only thrills in developed countries, with rare application to rapidly growing cities of developing countries, especially China and related applications are also lacking. This article introduces the concept and origin of LUTI, reviews various LUTI models, model components and simulation techniques, and discusses the model strengths, weaknesses, challenges and development trends. According to LUTI theory, urban space is composed of two main parts, i.e. land use and transport. Urban development pro- cess is the interaction between urban land use and transport. The activity distribution (land use) along with land use policies and transport determine the accessibility of each zone and then the location of activities. A change in activity distribution causes the change of activity density or rent, and then accessibilities of zones are rebalanced. The process is repeated until the stopping criterion is met--the activity distribution difference be- tween two successive iterations is below a predefined valu