As a central element of executive function, response inhibition includes four main components, namely, stimuli analysis, response selection, conflict monitoring, and behavior inhibition (Lin, Deng, Sun, &Li, 2007 ; Goldstein, et al. , 2007). Two successive components, frontal-central N2 and central-parietal P3, are widely accepted as reflecting conflict monitoring and response inhibition, respectively. Recently, neural mechanisms underlying the interaction of emotion and behavior control have become the focus of a variety of studies. Using event related potential measures and an emotional Go/Nogo task, the present study aimed to explore the neural correlates of the influence of auditory emotions on response inhibition, which may provide an insight into our understanding of the interaction of emotion and executive function. 50 kinds of positive, neutral and negative voice pieces were selected as emotional prime materials. 400HZ and 1400 HZ tones were used as Go/Nogo signals. Block design method was adopted according to the valence of emotional context. Therefore, the experiment was divided into three blocks: negative, neutral and positive. The sound used in each block shared the same valence and induced a kind of emotion. The presentation of emotional sound which lasted for 5000ms was followed by the onset of Go/Nogo signal. The presentation of Go and Nogo tones were terminated by a key pressing or when it elapsed for 300ms. ERPs were recorded for Go and Nogo signals during a typical Go / Nogo task. At the end of each block, participants were asked to fill the Positive Affect and Negative Affect Schedule, in order to measure their subjective affective feelings (Watson D, Clark L A, & Tellegen A, 1988). The behavioral data demonstrated the longest response latency under the negative prime than under positive and neutral prime conditions, whereas the latter two conditions showed no differences. Moreover, prominent N1 component was elicited during Go and Nogo conditions, irrespective of the valence of