In order to evaluate the effect of nanoparticles on the boiling heat transfer and the long-term stability of the refrigeration system using nanorefrigerant,a model for predicting the migration characteristics of nanoparticles during the boiling of nanorefrigerant containing lubricating oil is proposed.In the present model,the migrated mass of nanoparticles is obtained by the simulation of the departure and rising processes of bubble,the movement of nanoparticles in the liquid-phase,the adhesion of nanoparticles and bubble,and the escape of nanopaticles from the liquid-vapor interface.The proposed model can predict the influences of the heat flux and the geometry of boiling vessel on the migration of nanoparticles.The migrated mass of nanoparticles predicted by the model can agree with 95%of the experimental data within a deviation of±20%.