TMPAC-A1C13 ionic liquids with different molar ratios of TMPAC and AIC13 were synthesized, and their conductivities were measured at different temperatures. The study was performed by means of constant current electrolysis, and the effects of temperature, current density, stirring speed and toluene additive amount on the deposited aluminum layers were investigated. Conductivity of TMPAC-A1C13 ionic liquids reached a maximum with 1 : 2 molar ratio of TMPAC to A1C13 at 80℃. Better quality deposit and higher current efficiency could be achieved at the same temperature with current density of 20 mA · cm-2 and stirring speed of 500 r · min-1. Conductivity of the ionic liquid increased hut voltage of the electrolytic cell decreased with the addition of toluene. A dense, bright, smooth and uniformly distributed deposit was obtained at current density of 23 mA · cm-2 when volume percent of toluene was 50%.