The challenge of opinion target extraction is how to represent wide-range context accurately. The paper focused on opinion sentences from microblog and employed a method based on Bidirectional Recurrent Neural Network ( BRNN) to extract opinion targets and judge their emotion tendency. The hidden layer of BRNN can abstract context. If the model is trained well, it can represent wide - range, ordered context effectively without the limitation of the length of the context window. The paper chooses the word, the part of speech, the dependency parsing and the product dictionary as features to build the BRNN model. The results of experiment show that the combination of four features mentioned above achieves the best performance. Compared with CRF model, the F value of overlap mode increased by 0.61% using the method proposed in this paper, which validates the method is effective. The method proposed in this paper gets the best result in COAE2015 task3 with limited resources.