This paper studies on arriving-average time of neutral drift in finite populations with two kinds of individuals. Based on random simulation method and Matlab software, 10 000 random simulation experiments were made twice for each finite population that contains N=20,40,60,80,100 individuals divided into two kinds of individuals A and B,and that initial value of A was from 1 to N-1. Each finite population could sharply arrive absorbing states if initial value of A is near 1 or N;and could vary slowly arrive absorbing states if initial value of A was near N/2. All above conclusions from simulation and analysis apply to finite populations whose individual quantity was less. Or else,they were not fit if individual quantity of populations was tremendous. The quadratic curve based on least square data fitting could reflect the relationship between arriving-average time and initial value of A, and was a general type of arriving-average time from initial state to absorbing states.