Xijia Liu, received his B.E. de gree from Tsinghua University, China in 2008. He is currently a Ph.D. candidate at Tsinghua University, China. His research interests include wireless mul- timedia communications, and remote sensing information processing. E-mail: liu-xj12@mails.tsinghua.edu.cn. Xiaoming Tao. received her B.E. degree from Xidian Univer- sity in 2003, and Ph.D. degree from Tsinghua University, Chi- na, in 2008. She is currently an Associated Professor with the Dept. of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University. Her cur-rently research interests include wide-band wireless communications, green communications, wireless multimedia communications, and QoE-based mul- timedia communications. E-mail: taoxm@tsinghua. edu.cn. Yiping Duan, received the B.S. degree at the school of computer science and technol- ogy, Henan Normal University, Xinxiang, China, in 2010, and the Ph.D. degree at the School of Computer Science and technology, Xidian Univeristy,Xi'an, China, in 2016. She is currently working at the Dept. of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. Her current research interests include semantic mining, machine learning and SAR image processing. Ning 6e, received his B.S. degree in 1993, and his Ph.D. in 1997, both from Tsinghua University, China. Since 2000 he has been in the Dept. of Electronics Engineering at Ts- inghua University. Currently he is a professor and also serves as Director of Communication Institute. His current interests are in the areas of communication ASIC design, short range wireless communication, and wireless communications. Dr. Ge is a senior member of CIC and CIE, and a member of the IEEE.