BT-Mode makes the investment and construction in infrastructure by introducing the social capital at home and abroad,greatly reducing the financial pressure of government.Therefore it has been widely used.But because of BT-Mode without operation period,the repurchase price consists of construction cost and investment cost.If the construction investment is out of control,it is inevitable that the repurchase price is on the high side,resulting in a risk of repurchase. Therefore,this paper makes an investment control study of BT-Mode from the system level by introducing the project gov-ernance theory.On the basis of summarizing the implementation of Shenzhen Metro Line M,this paper adopts the grounded theory research methods and identifies three core elements of investment control on project contractor level,then analyzes the core elements.The three core elements include project control right allocation,risk ! sharing in the contract and con-trol of repurchase total price.Research results can provide suggestions for government to implement the effective investment control and apply BT-Mode in urban rail transit.