现有的深基坑监测信息分类没有形成一定的标准,无法进行数据共享,造成大量的监测数据资料浪费。为了形成一个统一的编码标准,在现行的基坑监测规范和前人的研究基础上,以长株潭城际铁路湘府路基坑监测为例,对深基坑监测数据进行分类,提出深基坑监测信息分类和编码编写的标准,利用目前最先进的空间数据库技术Geodatabase进行数据管理和数据库表设计。最后,基于.NET Framework框架,CJHJ开发语言,以ArcGIS Engine 10.2为开发平台,进行数据库信息管理系统的开发,实现基坑监测数据的信息化管理。
Currently,the deep excavation monitored dada are not systematically catgorized and standardized,therefore,a large amount of monitored data are potentially wasted since the data cannot be shared.In order to form a standardized coding system for the deep excavation monitored data,the The current deep pit monitoring information has not form a certain standard yet,the data cannot be shared,which cause a lot of waste of monitoring data.In order to form a unified coding standard,on the basic of the current monitoring standards and the research of the previous,in the case of the monitoring data of Changzhutan railway Xiangfu road pit,the monitoring data has been classified,and the paper propose the standard of the monitoring classification and coding,utilizing the most advanced spatial geodatabase technology to manage the monitoring data and design of the database table.At last,based on the.NET framework and C# development language,and the ArcGIS Engine 10.2is used as the development platform,the management system of the database is developed to achieve the information management of the monitoring data.