Argo profiling floats can be used to monitor the variability of upper ocean from surface to about 2000 meter. However, there are several wrong position profiles, abnormal data, suspicious profiles and salinity drift profiles in Argo observations, Argo quality control is very important. In this paper, we proposed a method to find the corresponding "optimal matching" historical profiling data from the reliable historical data set of France IFREMER for different Argo profiles. By comparing the Argo float data with their corresponding "optimal matching" historical profiling data, we can identify the Argo observntion error effectively .Especially ,We can distinguish between salinity offsets caused by the environmental changes of Argo profiling positions and caused by the Argo sensor drift efficiently, thereby reducing the misjudgment of the Argo salinity offset causes and saving computational time. This paper also proposed a synthetical method of abnormal data test by combining the traditional abnormal data test with the abnormal data method based on "three times the standard deviation" proposed in this paper to eliminate the abnormal observations. With the proposed method of Argo data quality control, a new global Argo profiling floats data set are produced from the global real-time Argo float data provided by the website of "China Argo Real-time Data Center" by removing and calibrating some wrong profiling observations. In comparison with Ishii data, the root mean square error of the objectively analyzed data from Argo calibrated data after quality control is smaller than that from the uncalibrated data, which shows that the method proposed is reasonable and effective.