The temperature logging curve of Dingshan 1 shows that as the depth goes to higher the temperature rising,the value is 25 ℃ at the top,and 107.5 ℃ at the bottom. The temperature logging curve has an "arch" at the depth of 1 000 -3 000 m. The observational temperature gradient section can be divided to 3 parts :its value of the Permian strata is 23.94℃/kin,and its value of Silurian and Ordovician is 37.27 ℃/kin, while the temperature gradient is very low,the value is 16.65 ℃/km. According to the characteristic of geothermal gradient section and its relationships and pertinences with the thermal conductivities and lithology of the stratum, we reach a conclusion that the vertical motion of subsurface fluid caused the perturbation of the temperature curve. This conclusion is adopted to deduce the strata of Cambrian have high porosity and permeability, while the strata of Silurian-Ordovician have a high sealing capacity, and this assembly of strata is propitious to the hydrocarbon's accumulation. It may be an indication of that there is a potential of the 'Lower Assemblage' in south-east Sichuan Basin.