波导极化器是射电天文接收机系统中的重要微波器件,其核心部分是差分移相器.通过对移相器的分析,详细研究了宽带波纹方波导差分移相器的特性.应用电磁仿真软件对32 GHz~48 GHz(7 mm波段)的波纹方波导移相器结构进行了设计与优化,在整个带宽范围内得到90°±7.5°的良好相移特性,驻波比仅仅为1.02.研制具备尺寸小、性能优和宽频特点的差分移相器满足射电天文接收机发展需求,可以改善接收机的性能,并有效提高对天文射电源相关特性等的观测能力.
Radio telescopes versatility. It is also important to for future observations need to have outstanding capacities and high levels of enlarge detection fields of radio telescopes through increasing efficiencies and sensitivities. A waveguide polarizer is the most important device in a radio receiver, and a phase shifter is a key component of a waveguide polarizer. A high-performance phase shifter can enhance astronomical applications of a radio receiver. Based on a detailed analysis of characteristics of a phase shifter for a corrugated waveguide we propose a design to optimize the structure of a difference phase shifter working in 32GHz-48GHz (7mm- band) for a corrugated waveguide. Our simulations show that it can generate phase shifts within 90°±7.5° throughout a relative bandwidth of 40% with its VSWR ( Voltage Standing Wave Ratio) only about 1.02. The design is expected to help development of receiver systems in radio astronomy given the small size, broad working bandwidth, and high performance of the phase shifter.