对2003年12月23—24日发生在黄海、渤海沿海的一次大雾过程进行了观测分析和数值模拟研究。这次大雾期间,从近海到内陆,大雾影响面积约10万km^2,部分地区能见度不足200 m,给海陆空交通造成严重影响。首先利用各种资料对这次大雾的生消演变过程进行了分析,认为这是一次典型的发生在海陆交界处的冬季平流辐射雾。然后利用RAMS(Regional Atmospheric Modeling System)模式模拟了本次大雾过程,计算得出了大气的水平能见度分布和云水混合比的垂直分布,结果表明,在雾区形状、雾生消时间以及雾的厚度上,模拟结果与观测资料比较一致。
In this study, a dense fog event occurred around the coastal of Bohai Sea and Huanghai Sea from 23^th to 24^th in Dec. 2003, is analyzed with observational data and investigated with numerical model. During the fog days, about 100 thousands of square kilometers of area from offing to inland was covered, partly with visibility less than 200 m ,which led to a great influence for the traffic both on sea ,land and in air. So almost all available observational data are used to analyze the evolutionary process of the fog from it's formation to dissipation, and it' s concluded that it' s a typical advection-radiation fog occurred over the sea-land interface in winter. Then fog event is simulated with the RAMS( Regional Atmospheric Modeling System ) model. The horizontal visibility distribution of lower atmosphere and the vertical distribution of the cloud mixing ratio are calculated based upon the model outputs, the results indicates that, the shape of fog area, the time when fog formed and dissipated, as well as the thickness of the fog which derived from the simulation agrees with the observation data well.