埃迪卡拉系为国际地层表新增的新元古界最上部的系级年代地层单位,层型剖面被确定为南澳大利亚弗林德斯山脉依诺拉马河剖面,其底界点位(GSSP)选定为埃拉逖那冰成杂砾岩(Elatina diamictite)之上盖帽碳酸盐岩努卡利那组(Nuccaleena Formation)的下界(Gradstein et al.,2004;Knoll et al.,2004)。我国修定后的震旦系与埃迪卡拉系完全相当,底界以南沱冰碛岩之上盖帽碳酸盐岩的下界为界。本文综合国际地层委员会新元古代地层分会以及相关国家和地区近年来在埃迪卡拉系年代地层学领域研究的新进展、存在问题以及未来发展趋势作一概要介绍,以期引起国内晚前寒武纪地层古生物学者的广泛关注。
Ediacaran is a new system addition to the Stratigraphical Time Scale, which lies on the uppermost of the Neoproterozoic. Its GSSP (Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Point) have been affirmed in the Enorama Creek section in the central Flinders Ranges, South Australia and the point of the lower boundary was selected at the base of the Nuccaleena cap carbonate stood on the top of the uppermost Elatina diamictite (Oradstein et al. , 2004; Knoll et al. , 2004). The redefined Sinian System in China, bounded by the base of the cap carbonate (the lowermost Doushantuo Fm. ) just above the Nantuo diamictite, quite corresponds with the Ediacaran System. In this paper, we synthesized new data on the Neoproterozoic at home and abroad and summed up advances in the chronostratigraphy of the Ediacaran Period, existing questions and developments in future, so that brings the attentions to the Precambrian stratigraphers and paleontologists.