采集近海养殖水体,在实验室进行不同温度、光照强度、盐度的模拟培养,考察环境因子对硝化作用的影响.结果表明:在15.0~29.0℃范围内,养殖水体温度越高,硝化作用进行得越快、越完全;黑暗和自然光条件对硝化作用影响不大,而4500 lx下NO3-则明显被吸收;盐度18的养殖水体对亚硝化有抑制现象,但硝化作用仍进行得较完全;在盐度36下的硝化作用受到一定程度的抑制.
The effects of temperature,illumination intensity and salinity on nitrification were investigated in laboratory condition. The results indicated that the nitrification rate and nitrate proportion increased during15. 0 ℃ to 29. 0 ℃. There was no evident impact on the nitrification under the condition of dark and natural lighting,while,the intrate nitrogen was uptaken obviously at the light of 4500 lx. It showed that the lower salinity of 18 had no influence on the nitrification,werase the higher salinity of 27 and 36 inhibited the nitrification to a certain degree in terms of nitrification rates and nitrate proportions.