With the coinciding developments in psychometrics and cognitive science in the past fifty years, more and more researchers are interested in combining these two fields to a new psychometric area, often called cognitively diagnostic assessment (CDA) (Fu & Li, 2007). How to incorporate these two fields into all aspects of development of CDA need future research to explore. The study only stems from viewing the mixing model between cognitive model and cognitive diagnostic model. The study considered the advantage and disadvantage among the attribute hierarchy method(AHM), Bayesian networks model, deterministic inputs noisy and gate model(DINA) and reduced reparameterized unified model(R-RUM). As Yan et al., (2004) saying, mixing the Bayesian network proficiency model with the fusion evidence model would produce a very attractive class of models. It allows the use of additional expert opinion in the proficiency model along with the fusion model statistics for item/skill correspondence. So we try to explore the mixing model and provide an analysis of fraction subtraction data as an example. In the analysis of fi-action subtraction data, two attribute hierarchies are considered, one (called AH1) only assumes that the attribute A3 is a prerequisite to attribute A4 and the other (called AH2) is derived from the Q-matrix the pairwise comparison method (Tatsuoka, 1995). According to the augment algorithm, two reduced Q-matrices are obtained with 24 or 9 attribute patterns. Two Bayesian networks (called BN1 and BN2) corresponding to the above two attribute hierarchies are constructed according to the proficiency model (Yan, et al., 2004), so two joint distributions of attribute pattern are specified, respectively. Under the above four attribute spaces, an independent attribute space (called AH0) and high-order proficiency model, the DINA model, the revised conjunctive DINA (R-DINA) model and the R-RUM are used to analyze Tatsuoka's fraction subtraction data using the