Cadastral survey work is a base which cadastral management and information system construction of cadastral. In the cadastral survey of in land use investigation,Find out all kinds of distribution and utilization of land needs to have an accurate positioning.Find out all kinds of distribution and utilization of land needs to have an accurate positioning. With the rapid development of GPS measurement technology and continues to mature,Network RTK technology has an increasingly important role for its high accuracy and automation advantages cadastration. Today in the mobile phone network is Popular,the network of GPS-RTK applications are increasingly convenient. this paper combines the new campus of Henan Polytechnic University cadastral survey work,first introduced the composition and network RTK positioning principle,and analysis of network RTK mapping of key technologies,it highlights Network GPS-RTK data collection work practices and data processing and use in cadastral procedure,in last the GPS network is a fast and accurate measurement methods,Network GPS-RTK has a strong practical and can meet the needs of cadastral surveying.