Deep seismic reflection profiling across Jiashi strong earthquake swarm region has revealed fine crustal images through to M-discontinuity of the studied area. The result shows that the boundary between the upper and lower crust in this area is about 20 - 30 km deep and M-discontinuity is about 52 - 58 km deep. Two completely different types of reflected images appear within the upper crust. The upper part of the upper crust is a stratified 8 ~ 9 km deep sedimentary cover, suggesting stable and continuous sedimentation, while the lower part of the upper crust oppears as a laminated reflecting layer against a background of "reflection transparency". The lower crust shows obvious reflectivity, characterized by multi-iteration laminated reflection of the boundary between the upper and lower crust as well as M-discontinuity. All the reflectors dipping downward from northeast to southwest on the CDP section visually reflect crustal deformation of Tarim Basin which thrusts downwards into west Kunlun Mts. Near post 47km there is a high dip angle fault stretching from the lower part of the upper crust to the top of the crust-mantle transitional zone. This strike-slip fault has a direct bearing on the occurrence of the Jiashi strong earthquake swarm and is an inferred causative fault for the swarm (1997) according to this study. However, the continuity of reflection from the crust-mantle transitional zone suggests that the fault does not stretch downwards to disrupt M-discontinuity. The two shallow faults with high dip angle in the upper part of the upper crust may correspond to the geologically inferred Markit-Xiasuhong fault zone. These two faults and the crustal fault below them jointly constitute a possible shallow-deep structure relationship for the Jiashi strong earthquake swarm.