With higher reliability of the offshore production equipment, human reliability becomes more and more important in determining safety in the gas and oil production industry. As a matter of fact, management of human factor in platform maintenance is a significant aspect of human reli-ability management. Current methods that are aimed at controlling human error in maintenance have two vital disadvantages. On the one hand, they tend to be reactive rather proactive~ on the other hand they are qualitative description rather than quantitative assessment. However, a suc-cessful plan to manage human factor should not only be able to find out causes of the past acci-dents and damages but also be able to detect which issue is most likely to lead to future incidents. Therefore, Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation, which is semi-qualitative and semi-quantitative, is used in this article. Through a fuzzy assessment of factors that affect maintenance performance, weaknesses and problems of the organization can be recognized, thus helping preventing human error from happening.