Conventional sound level meters generally use precision ceramic microphones and discrete solid state circuitry or integrated circuit operational amplifiers, and a set of standardized frequency weighting filters, standardized exponential time weighting circuits, logarithmic amplitude detector, and a display in decibels capable of measuring the RMS averaged sound level and other specifications, Described the design of a virtual sound level meter in labvlew. The developed meter or instrument consists of a microphone, preamplifier, an A/D card,and a computer with software LabView, The software design flow was presented. The weighting network module,statistic analysis were discussed in details, The meter was calibrated by using TES- 1356 sound level calibrator and the correctness was verified by comparative experiment with TES- 1357 exact sound level meter. The complete virtual instrument is capable of meeting the type 1, requirements of GB/T3785. The instrument has a modularity structure and could be easily used in conjunction with the device in any industrial application for noise or sound level measurements.