群签名是一种重要的密码学原型提供了匿名性及可追踪性等安全性质,且具有很高的应用价值,但是仍存在安全性、性能及功能性等方面诸多问题.针对这些问题,提出一种新型的具有适应性选择密文攻击(adaptive Chosen Ciphertext Attack,CCA)匿名性的动态群签名方案.利用Groth-Sahai证明系统给出了方案的具体构建,且允许成员可以动态地加入到群中,并在标准模型下对该方案进行了严格的安全性证明,证明其具有CCA匿名性、可追踪性以及不可诬陷性的安全属性.最后将该方案与现有其他方案在安全性及性能等方面进行了比较分析,结果表明提出的CCA匿名性动态群签名方案优于其他方案.
Group signatures are a central cryptographic primitive, simultaneously supporting anonymity and traceability. Though num- bers of group signatures schemes have been presented, some drawbacks still exist in these schemes at the aspects of security, perform- ance and functionality. In order to overcome these issues,this paper proposes a new dynamic group signatures scheme with CCA-ano- nymity, allowing the members enroll the group dynamically. By making use of the Groth-Sahai proof system, this paper constructs the scheme in detailed, and in standard model formally proves the security including CCA-anonymity, traceability and non-frameability. Fi- nally, compared with other existing group signatures schemes, the proposed scheme is more security and efficient on both the computa- tional cost and communication cost.