Samples were taken from the west wall in unit 05MMT4 of Maqiao relics for sporo-pollen and algae research. According to the characteristics of the sporo-pollen and algal assemblages, three sporo-pollen zones were distinguished: Zone 1 is Quercus (evergreen) - Gramineae- Typha - Pinus -Polypodiaceae- Concentricystes ; Zone 2 is Concentricystes - Quercus (evergreen) - Salvinia - Polypodiaceae-Typha -Gramineae; Zone 3 is Pinus - Salix - Quercus (evergreen) -Chenopodi- aceae- Pteridiurn - Polypocliaceae - Concentricystes. Paleovegetation and paleogeographical environ- ment were simulated. And then, the living environment and development of cultivation were explored. Precious data were obtained for culture development and the civilization processing in Shanghai region.