烟粉虱Bernisia tabaci(Gennadius)是一种包含多个生物型的复合种,其中B犁烟粉虱是一个入侵能力较强的生物型。对在不同寄主植物上B型烟粉虱入侵种群伪蛹形态系统量化研究结果表明:B型烟粉虱伪蛹蛹壳规则比例、蛹壳背部大刚毛数量、蛹壳整体的长度和宽度、前缘蜡饰的宽度、后缘蜡饰的宽度、皿形孔盖瓣的长度和宽度以及舌状突的长度等许多性状在不同寄主植物上具有不同程度的形态可塑性,而且这种可塑性与寄主植物叶背特征具有密切的相关性。最后,探讨B型烟粉虱伪蛹形态可塑性在该害虫成功入侵过程中的作用以及研究意义。
Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius)is a complex species with several hiotypes, in which biotype B is strongly invasive one. The systematic morphological quantification of the pseudopupa of B. tabaci biotype B on different host plants revealed that many characteristics which included the ratio of regularity, the number of dorsal setae, body length and body width, the width of anterior wax margin and posterior wax margin, the length and width of operculum, and the length of lingual of pseudopupa had morphological plasticity on different hosts, and the plasticity was closely linked with the characteristics of leaf back of host. Finally, the role and the research importance of the morphological plasticity of the psuedopupa of B. tabaci biotype B during the invasion were discnssed.