若3D NoC中水平和垂直方向出现不可恢复的链路故障,将严重影响整个网络的性能.为此提出一种新型的高效率、低开销的容错方法——基于动态优先级的偏转路由方法.该方法根据目的节点和当前节点的相对位置,动态地设定输出端口优先级,以确保数据包始终选择最优路径传输;为了提高层内和层间数据包传输的速度,采用了两级交叉开关结构.使用Booksim 2.0和Orion 2.0工具与其他方法的实验结果表明,文中方法的网络平均包延时最大降幅达20%,且面积不随网络规模增大而增加,提高了片上网络整体性能.
In three-dimensional Network-on-Chip,the faults occurring in the horizontal and vertical links will decrease the performance of the entire network seriously.We propose a novel low overhead and high efficient fault-tolerant method—a priority based deflection routing method.The new method dynamically change the priority of output port to ensure that data packet always chooses an optimal route based on the relative position between destination node and source node.With combining the two-level switch crossbar router architecture,inter-level and intra-level data packets transmit efficiency could be improved.A series of experiments with Booksim 2.0 and Orion 2.0 were conducted,experimental results demonstrated that our algorithm outperforms others by up to 20% in terms of average packet delay of network.When network size increases,the area overhead does not increase apparently,thus the overall performance of network is improved significantly.