A ring R is said to be satisfying P-stable range provided that whenever aR + bR = R, there exists y ∈ P(R) such that a + by is a unit of R, where P(R) is the subset of R which satisfies the property that up, pu∈ P(R) for every unit u of R and p ∈P(R). By studying this ring, some known results of rings satisfying unit-1 stable range, ( S, 2) -stable range, weakly unit 1- stable range and stable range one are unified. An element of a ring is said to be UR if it is the sum of a unit and a regular dement and a ring is said to be satisfying UR-stable range if R has P-stable range and P(R) is the set of all UR-elements of R, Some properties of this ring are studied and it is proven that if R satisfies UR-stahle range then so does any n × n matrix ring over R.