Two-stage fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method combined with analytical hierarchy process (AHP) was applied to estimate grindability of advanced ceramics. Property parameters and machining process/ output parameters were selected to constitute alternative sets. Structural hierarchy among alternatives was established. Comparison matrixes were constituted by pair-wise comparison according to Saaty 1-9 scales. The relative weights between alternatives were determined by calculating the eigenvectors of comparison matrixes. Firststage fuzzy evaluation and second-stage fuzzy evaluation were carried out. The grindability grades of each ceramics were determined according to maximum membership degree principle. As an example, silicon carbide, alumina, zirconia and silicon nitride were classified as four grades, very easy, easy, difficult and very difficult. All influence alternatives of ceramic grindability and their relationships can be considered by fuzzy AHP evaluation method. The weighting coefficients of each alternatives can be objectively calculated. The grades of ceramic grindability can be classified finely.