设备到设备(device to device,D2D)通信允许邻近用户使用蜂窝网络频段直接通信,既能分流部分蜂窝数据,减轻基站负担,又能提升服务质量。但由于信息不对称,蜂窝网络不知道用户的类型参数,无法准确提供合理补偿,以激励用户参与数据分流。基于契约理论设计了一种分流补偿机制,首先设计蜂窝网络收益函数和分流用户代价函数及其二者的效用;然后基于用户类型参数服从均匀分布设计补偿机制,验证了该机制能满足个人理性和激励相容条件,分析了该机制的最优性能;最后与正比例补偿机制和完全信息补偿机制进行对比仿真,结果表明,本文设计的分流补偿机制既能保证用户愿意参与数据分流,也鼓励用户报告自身真实的类型参数,还能获得接近于完全信息补偿机制下的效用和性能。
A data offloading mechanism is proposed where one user provides data it cached(data provider)to an adjacent user through device to device(D2D)communication so that the cellular network's congestion can be alleviated.Without proper compensation,the data provider would not participate.Since the offloading cost may vary among different users,the compensation design is a challenge problem.An incentive mechanism based on contract theory is proposed to address the incentive providing problem.Through proper design,the data provider will choose the amount according to its true cost,and the expected revenue of the cellular network operator will be maximized.Simulation results show that the proposed mechanism can effectively incentivize user participation,and improve the cellular network performance.