With the rapid development of Chinese outbound tourism, shopping has become an indispensable part during the process of Chinese consumers' overseas travelling, whose typical manifestation is that consumers are influenced by the shopping behavior of the group and blindly follow the group's way of shopping. To study the conformity behavior of Chinese tourists' overseas-shopping, based on a 2 × 2× 2 multiple-factor experiment, we explored the effect of three independent variables on overseas-shopping conformity behavior of Chinese tourists: reference group (friends vs. travel agency) ; image of brand-originating countries (high vs. low) and sales volume (high vs. low). We investigated interactions between these three factors and found that both reference groups and sales volume influence the conformity behavior of Chinese tourists' overseas-shopping. Reference group and the image of brand-originating countries influence the purchase intention of Chinese tourists' overseas-shopping. The interaction between reference groups and the image of brand-originating countries varies depending on product attributes: the interactive effect of hedonic product is significant, and the utilitarian product is not. The interaction between reference groups and sales volume do not influence hedonic products and utilitarian products. Chinese tourists are influenced by reference groups, particularly on the dimension of brand-originating countries when Chinese tourists go shopping abroad. There are differences between conformity behaviors resulting from reference groups and brand-originating countries due to various product attributes. In terms of theory, reference group theory is applied to the research of behavior of Chinese tourists' overseas-shopping, which offers a localized analysis perspective to obtain a better understanding of conformity behavior of Chinese tourists' overseas-shopping. In terms of practice, it is of particular significance for managers of tourism enterprises to establish appropriat