为适应水声传感网络节点密集、规模大、工作时间长的特点,提出了一种具有小体积、低成本、低功耗等特点的水声调制解调器。采用数字幅度调制2ASK调制解调方式,硬件使用低功耗设计方案,电池供电,使用市场上量产的收发一体式小型水声换能器,使功耗和成本得到大幅度降低。经实际测试,整机最大功耗为90 mW,数据传输速率为2kbps,具备代替市场上昂贵水声调制解调器的潜力,在水声传感网技术中有良好的应用前景。
The features of underwater acoustic sensor network are mainly indicated in dense nodes, large scale and long time working. To adapt these features, a kind of acoustic modem of small size, low-cost, low-power and short range is developed. The modem uses 2ASK modulation and demodulation method, and the hardware is designed by low-power scheme. The results of lake experiment show that the maximum power consumption of a complete machine is up to 90 mW, data rate is 2kbps. This kind of underwater acoustic modems can replace the expensive ones on the market, and can be widely used in underwater acoustic sensor networks.