The reaction of N2H4 with F atom was predicted to have two reaction channels by the direct ab initio dynamics method. These channels were scanned at the UB3LYP/6 -31 + G(d, p) level and the energetic information was further refined by CCSD(T)/aug-cc-pVTZ method. The results revealed that the two equivalent channels (N2H4 + F→N2H3 + HF) occur synchronously via the formation of a pre-reaction complex with Cs symmetry rather than via the direct H abstraction, Then it evolves into a hydroger-bonding intermediate through a transition state with nearly no barrier and high exothermicity, whereas the intermediate decomposes into N2H3 and HF finally. The rate constants of these channels at 200-3 000 K were calculated by ICVT/SCT method.