Columnar structure is one of the microstructures in cobalt-rich crusts. In order to elucidate its forming mechanism, microscopical features and microprobe element chemistries have been analyzed with a high-resolution backscattered electron probe microscope analyzer on the profile of a cobalt-rich crust from the Mid-Pacific Mountains. The results show that the columnar structure consists of the light microlayers (rich in manganese, cobalt, nickel and oxygen) and gray microlayers (rich in iron and silicon),in which they occur alternately, and the growth rates of the same microlayer are different and range from 0.27 to 0. 92 mm/Ma. The reasons for the diferent colours of microlayers and the component alternation could be the change of redox environments resulting in the different phases of mineral forming. The electrical double layer of growth interface of cobalt-rich crusts could explain the bifurcation of microlayers of columnar structure and the variations of growth ratios in the same microlayer.