第三方评级是否有助于小额信贷机构绩效改善,这是一个业界和学术界关注的问题。本文以154家经国际知名评级公司PlaNet Rating评级的小额信贷机构作为样本,建立计量模型实证检验了评级对小额信贷机构财务绩效和社会绩效的影响,结果发现:评级与机构财务绩效相互促进,评级对机构社会绩效有显著影响。
It has been a focus for the world and academia whether rating industry is beneficial to the performance of microfinanee institutions. This paper selects 154 MFIs rated by the internation- ally famous microfinance rating agency PlaNet Rating as a sample, building an econometric model to test empirically the impact of MFIs' rating on its performance, and finds that rating and financial performance are mutually promoted, and rating has significant impact on its social performance.