在不同红外辐射干燥的条件下对双孢蘑菇进行了试验研究,辐射强度和物料厚度对红外干燥时间影响较大,辐射距离对红外干燥时间影响相对较小;复水试验结果表明,当样本厚度为5 mm,辐射强度为4.0 k W/m2,辐射距离为10 cm时,样本的复水比率最大;样本厚度和红外辐射强度对干燥后的双孢菇片复水比影响显著,而辐射距离影响较小。
Agaricus bisporus was dehydrated under different infrared drying conditions.It is indicated that infrared intensity and sample thickness had more influence on drying time than infrared distance.The rehydrated results showed that Agaricus bisporus slices obtained high rehydrated ratio with the sample thickness of 5 mm and irradiation distance of 10 cm under the infrared intensity 4.0kW/m2.Infrared intensity and sample thickness had also more influence on rehydrated ratio than infrared distance.