氰化物是剧毒物质,长期接触会危害人体健康.为使氰化废水对人体健康风险定量化,通过非致癌健康风险评价的数学模式,利用Crystal Ball计算软件对氰化废水进行人体健康风险评价,模拟计算出人体健康终身风险均值为1.2×10-4,年风险均值为1.7×10-6,均超过了最大可接受水平.为保证人体健康风险值低于可接受水平,针对人体皮肤接触渗入和呼吸吸入两种方式,基于风险来源可加性为基础,得出皮肤渗入途径的浓度限值范围为10-5~10-6 mg/L,呼吸吸入途径的浓度限值为0.001~0.009 mg/m3.
As a highy toxic substance, Cyanide presents more risk to human health in long-term exposure. To quantify the risk of the cyanide wastewater on human health, the average health risk value is acquired through the mathematical models of the non-carcinogenic health risk assessment and the Crystal Ball calculation software, which indicated the average health risk for life being 1.2×10-4 and the average health risk for year being 1.7×10-6. These all exceed the maximum acceptable level. In order for the human health risk value to remain below the acceptable level, the human health risk value is derived through exposure dose from human body contact directly and the inhaled of the cyanide. Based on the risk sources additivity, the limitation of the cyanide con-centration in the water is 10-5-10-6 mg/L and the cyanide steam concentration in the air remains at 0.001-0.009 mg/m3.