The influence of the uncertain or deceiving service nodes on the Web service workflow scheduling performance is generally fatal, so the problems of QoS scheduling can not be completely solved by the performance-QoS. The paper is concerned with the problem that trust mechanism is largely ignored in existing scheduling algorithms of service workflow. A novel algorithm of service workflow scheduling is proposed based on truth relationship in Web service workflow, and the trust value is computed by D-S theory. At the same time, the workflow pathlevel trust concept and the trust transfer are introduced, and the trust relationship is taken as an important parameter for QoS scheduling. The algorithm satisfies both the requirement of work-flow performance-QoS and the requirement of trust-QoS. The experimental result shows that the new algorithm can obviously enhance the success rate of the service workflow execution, and it has better overall performance in other aspects such as executive time, stability and so on, compared to the traditional algorithm based on scheduling of performanee-QoS.