Milankovitch理论认为,地球表面日照量受地球运动变化的影响,这些改变又会导致地球气候的变化。因此,古气候学的研究需要相关地球运动变化的精确信息。目前,关于地球长期平动和转动的最新理论是La2004,La2010和La2011模型,它们主要通过数值积分行星轨道和地球自转运动方程得到;这些结果已被用于过去50 Ma的地质记录研究中。而超过这一时间范围,解的准确性会由于混沌效应迅速降低。主要介绍这些天文理论的相关内容以及有关地球运动演化方面的最新进展。第2章是关于数值积分太阳系长期运动,第3章介绍长期岁差方面的内容,第4章给出有关地球运动的长周期分析,第5章则讨论数值解的稳定性和太阳系稳定性方面的情况,最后是对目前地球运动长期演化领域的总结以及对未来的展望。
According to the Milankovitch theory, the changes in the Earth's orbit induce variations of the insolation received on the Earth's surface that have an impact on large climatic changes. So a precise astronomical solution of the Earth's motion is needed for paleoclimate studies. At present, the most advanced Earth orbital and rotational solutions for long time span are the La2004, La2010, La2011 solutions, which have been obtained by direct numerical integrations of the planet orbits and the equations of the Earth's rotation theory. These solutions have been used for age calibration of geological data over more than50 Ma in the past. Due to chaotic behavior, the precision of the solutions decreases rapidly beyond this time span.In this paper, we give an overview about these solutions and present the development status and trends of the orbital and rotational evolution of the Earth. The details about the numerical integrations of the long term motion of the Solar System are given in the Chapter2. Chapter 3 mainly introduces the long-term precession of the Earth. The following chapter is focussed on the long term cycles in its evolution. Chapter 5 mainly describes the stability of the numerical solutions and the Solar System. Finally, a discussion and proposal for future study is made.