1972年,KamedaY等人从脱氮假单胞菌Pseudomonas denitrificans的降解产物中分离得到井冈霉烯胺(valienamine),其半椅式构象能模拟酶催化糖苷键水解的氧碳锗正离子中间体(见图1),是α-葡萄糖苷酶抑制剂阿卡波糖、伏格列波糖的药效必需结构团。
Tetra-O-benzylvalienamine was successfully synthesized by taking D-glucose as the starting material via a twelve-steps procedure in an overall yield of 4.7% in this paper. The structure of the title compound was confirmed by spectral analysis. This improved method could avoid the usage of some poisonous reagents, reduce the cost and increase the total yield.