The contemporary mineral resource evaluation is a process for the modeling and evaluation of the complex high dimensional non-linear system. Therefore, the multiple element non-linear statistic models established by describing the complex relationship of various kinds of comprehensive information to predict mineral target area have a great guiding significance in mineral resource exploration. Based on GIS software platform, the authors predicted mineral target area in Lalingzaohuo area of Qinghai Province by using weighted evidence model, and extracted 17 kinds of ore-generating comprehensive information such as metallogenic geological backgroud information, remote sensing geological information and geochemical abnormal information. The authors also established a model of mineral target area prediction in the study area, drew posterior probability distribution map, made an effect evaluation of the prediction result based on ROC curve analysis, calculated probability threshold for delineating mineral target area according to TP rate and FP rate of ROC curve, and delineated the mineral target area in the study area. The results show that the mineral target area delineated by the proposed method in combination with the weighted evidence and ROC curve analysis is quite in accord with the known ore spots, which suggests that this method has a certain feasibility for predicting the mineral target area.