SSW(Solar SoftWare)的能量电子产生X光子的轫致辐射积分计算发展到版本2时,其性能相比初始的版本1提高很多.在版本2的基础上,对这个积分进一步改进.通过对比几种轫致辐射积分方案,结果显示,最终的方案性能上比版本2可以快约2—5倍.在积分的精确性上比版本1及版本2均改进了很多,在缺省的积分控制精度下也不再产生光子谱的尖刺现象.而且,积分耗时不再敏感于积分上限取值.由于积分性能的提高,使得利用精确的轫致辐射截面计算轫致积分成为可能.结果显示,用精确轫致辐射截面比先前的近似截面积分的结果光子流量略小(≤4%),积分时间大约比先前使用近似截面多30%.
The integral numeration of the hard X-ray bremsstrahlung spectrum based on the version 2 in Solar SoftWare (SSW) is developed by us. By comparing the cost times of the integral numeration with four methods, it is showed that the best method is faster than version 2 by about 2 to 5 times. It also shows that in comparison with previous version 1 and 2, the accuracy, the suppression of the spike structure and insensitivity to the upper limit of the integration are improved a lot with the best method. In addition, we test the integral numeration by using the exact bremsstrahlung cross-section instead of the present approximate one, and prove that the cost time is tolerable with our improved method.