Scholars and policy makers in science and technology field have showed great interest in the discussion about whether universities can encompass a third mission of economic development. However, there is still no comparative infor- mation as to which universities in China are among the major providers of science-based information and service to the busi- ness sector. This paper presents a result of statistical analyses to help fill this information gap by dealing with the co-au- thorship data on 84 research universities in China and assesses their performance of university-industry collaborations. The significant correlations between a host of organizational variables and the performance of university-industry research col- laborations have confirmed the effectiveness of the assessing model based on co-authorship data. Furth more, it can rank or benchmark the performance of university-industry collaborations from a multidimensional perspective by using the organizational variables. Pending further validation studies, it concludes that co-authorship data should preferably be used as complementary evidence for holistic rankings of universities rather than used as a special university-industry collaborations league tables.