研制了中荷耦合器件(CCD)与互补金属氧化物半导体有源像素图像传感器(CMOS APS)辐射效应测试系统,用于研究CCD、CMOS APS图像传感器的辐射效应并准确评估器件的空间辐射环境适应性.该系统采用光机电一体化结构设计,包括光电响应性能检测、光谱检测、控制及数据处理3个分系统,可对器件的光电响应性能、光谱特性进行全面的定量测试与分析.系统的光谱分辨率为1 nm,工作波段为0.38~1.1 μm.目前,该系统与新疆理化所现有的辐照装置结合,构成了光电成像器件辐射效应模拟试验与抗辐射性能评估平台,已为国产宇航CCD与CMOS APS图像传感器的研制、空间应用部门的成像器件选型工作提供了多次考核评估试验.应用情况表明,该系统可定量检测与评价CCD、CMOS APS图像传感器的辐射效应与抗辐射性能,为深入开展光电成像器件的辐射效应研究提供了完善的试验研究条件.
A radiation effect test system for Charge Coupled Device(CCD) and Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor Transistor Active Pixel Sensor(CMOS APS) image sensors was developed to further study the space radiation effects of these devices and to accurately evaluate their space radia- tion adaptability. The system is an integrated optic-mechanical-electric equipment, and contains three subsystems for testing photoelectric responses, spectrum response and processing output data. It is a- ble to comprehensively and quantitatively test and analyze the photoelectric response and spectral char- acteristics of the devices. The system shows its spectrum range and spectrum resolution to be 0.38 to 1.1 μm and 1 nm, respectively. The system has been combined with the irradiation facilities in Xin- jiang Technical Institute of Physics & Chemistry to constitute a platform for radiation effect simula- tion experiments and anti-radiation performance evaluation of photo-electronic imaging devices. Cur- rently, the system has provided a strong support for the research ~development of domestic anti-radi- ation CCD and CMOS APS devices, including type-selection, examination and evaluation of imaging devices of space sectors. The results show that this system can satisfy the requirements of radiation effect research on CCD and CMOS devices.