肝X受体(liver X receptors,LXRs)分为LXRα和LXRβ两种亚型,LXRs是配体激活的转录因子,属于核受体超家族中的一员,LXRs首先与维甲酸X受体(retinoid X receptor,RXR)形成LXR-RXR异二聚体,LXR-RXR与特异的LXR应答元件(1iver X receptors response element,LXRE)结合从而激活基因表达。
LXRs, LXRα and LXRβ are ligand - activated transcription factors that are members of the nuclear receptor superfamily. LXRs preferentially bind with their heterodimeric partner, retinoid X receptor (RXR), to LXR response elements to activate gene expression. Cellular and whole - body cholesterol homeostasis is maintained through a network of transcriptional programs. Liver X receptors regulate key aspects of cellular and whole - body sterol homeostasis, including cholesterol absorption, lipoprotein synthesis and remodeling, lipoprotein uptake by peripheral tissues, reverse cholesterol transport, and bile acid synthesis and absorption. This review focuses on the role of liver X receptors in the control of cholesterol homeostasis.