本文基于ASTER GDEM数据,采用简单数学函数拟合龙门山地区15条河流的河流纵剖面形态,并结合基岩水力侵蚀模型来分析龙门山不同段落的地形形态特征。初步获得以下几点认识:(1)通过对龙门山地区河流纵剖面的分析,龙门山整体上具有较强的隆升速率,导致这一地区强烈的河流侵蚀作用;(2)龙门山中段和南段的河流双对数图以上凸型为主,说明该区域未达到均衡状态,处于前均衡期;(3)龙门山北段的河流双对数图呈直线形态,说明该区域达到均衡状态,处于均衡期;(4)龙门山中段和南段具有更强的构造活动性、更高的隆升速率,控制了该地区地貌、水系演化过程,并且导致这一地区容易发生地质灾害。
The Longmen Shan is located in the eastern margin of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. The eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau is composed of three large-scale geomorphic units: the Tibetan Plateau, the Longmen Shan mountain range and the piedmont alluvial plain(the Western Sichuan Basin) shown respectively from NW to SE. The Longmen Shan borders the eastern margin of Tibetan Plateau. It has a length of about 500 km from NE to SW, and a width of about 30 km from NW to SE. The difference in relief between the Longmen Shan and the piedmont region is greater than 4000 m, with the peak elevation of the mountain range being about 4984 m. The elevation of the piedmont ranges only between 450 and710 m. The Longmen Shan is the region with the maximum change in altitude on the edge of the Tibetan Plateau,comprising a series of roughly parallel imbricated thrust belts including the Maowen, Beichuan and Pengguan faults from NW to SE, and has the typical features of a progressive or onward-spread thrust-nappe structure. The Ms 8.0 Wenchuan earthquake of May 12, 2008, in the Longmen Shan mountain range area in China, led to two roughly parallel NE-trending thrust and strike-slip surface ruptures of the Beichuan, Pengguan and the Xiaoyudong faults. Thus, this area has been one of the best places to study the relationships about tectonic-geomorphy-water system. Stream-power incision model is often used to analyze whether the orogenic terrain has been to the equilibrium. This article presents the extraction and analysis of the 15 bedrock channel longitudinal section of the Longmen Shan. By using mathematical functions fitting with the morphological characteristics of longitudinal section, this article takes the relationship between bed rock channel slope(S)and the catchment area(A) to analyze the rivers in Longmen Shan in the eastern margin of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. The study has shown that there are 9 logarithmic function lines, 5 exponential function lines and 1 linearity line. The bilogarithmic graph(S-A Figu