The stress-strain relations of nanocrystalline twin copper with variously sized grains and twins are studied by using FEM simulations based on the conventional theory of mechanismbased strain gradient plasticity (CMSG). A model of twin lameUae strengthening zone is proposed and a cohesive interface model is used to simulate grain-boundary sliding and separation. Effects of material parameters on stress-strain curves of polycrystalline twin copper are studied in detail. Furthermore, the effects of both twin lamellar spacing and twin lamellar distribution on the stress-strain relations are investigated under tension loading. The numerical simulations show that both the strain gradient effect and the material hardening increase with decreasing the grain size and twin lamellar spacing. The distribution of twin lameUae has a significant influence on the overall mechanical properties, and the effect is reduced as both the grain size and twin lamellar spacing decrease. Finally, the FEM prediction results are compared with the experimental data.