Since the tight oil development in Cardium formation, Daylight oilfield presents the need of a large number of low-cost and efficient horizontal drilling and multi-stage fracturing, the extended reach horizontal drilling technologies for tight oil are studied and applied. Considering the special requirements of the extended reach hori- zontal well composite drilling, the three-section wellbore trajectory model is established and in-depth studies have been conducted on the key technologies like wellbore configuration, oil-based drilling fluids, drill bit optimization and bottomhole assembly. The economic benefits of the clustered three pilot extended reach horizontal wells and oth- er clustered three offset horizontal wells are evaluated. The evaluation results show that, comparing to the offset well cluster, the pilot clustered extended reach horizontal wells have reduced the average cost per meter of drilling by 22% and have saved 42% drilling time with 1.6 times average daily output and 1.7 times total output in the first six month, thus reaching the purpose of the pilot test.