Effects of phosphorus activator (PA) on different type of phosphorus and their validities in black soil were studied. The results showed that: Without fertilizing phosphates, the amount of Olsen-P, Cas-P and A1-P would increase along with the raise time, while Ca2-P and Fe-P were just opposite. Fertilizing phosphates, except for Cas-P, A1-P and Fe-P, they would decrease. PA which could promote inorganic P from one to another was good at increasing the concentration of Olsen-P in black soil. Three kinds of PA, with the order being citrate 〉 HA 〉H2, enhanced the concentration of Olsen-P to reach 40.93%, 33.06% and 23.20% separately. Related coefficient analysis and regression coefficient analysis were used to discuss the relation between every form inorganic phosphates and available phosphates. Available phosphates with Olsen's method mainly were Ca2-P and A1-P, their relativity with Olsen-P was obvious.The equation was established between Olsen-P and another factors that effected mainly on Olsen-P: Y = - 13.322 + 0.578Xi(Ca2-P) + 0.408X3(A1-P).