A new approach to remote sensing of earth's atmosphere using the Global Positioning System /Low Earth Orbit (GPS/LEO) radio occultation technique has been approved in the past decade. The vertical profiles of pressure, water vapor and temperature retrieved from GPS/LEO occultation data are potentially valuable data source for the meteorological community and atmospheric science. The assimilation process of GPS/LEO occultation data may effectively improve the quality of these retrieved meteorological profiles, and further the current numerical weather prediction (NWP) model. Through one dimensional variational (1DVAR) retrieval technique, the refractivity or the bending angle profiles from GPS/LEO occultation is possibly selected to be assimilated into NWP model, and then the atmospheric temperature and water vapor profiles, as well as the surface pressures are retrieved. In this paper, after describing technique procedure of the refractivity 1DVAR retrieval technique, we present some profile samples from CHAMP occultation refractivity observations based on Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm associated with the background field from the European Center for Medium Range Weather Forecasting (ECMWF) analyses. As a part of discussion, the retrieved profiles are compared with the radiosonde data nearby the GPS/LEO occultation sounding points.