The Indicators of Hydrological Alteration (IHA) that includes five flow components (discharge, frequency,timing,duration and rate of change) with great ecological significance are adopted to estimate the effects of the integrated water regulation and water-sediment regulation of the Yellow River on the eeo-hy- drology of the river estuary. The demands for environmental flows and satisfaction degree of current hydrolog- ical regime were discussed. The results indicate that estuarine hydrologic regime has been improved effective- ly due to the integrated water regulation and water-sediment regulation. While the rate of change de- creased; the flood pulse process disappeared and the hydrologic process became flat. The hydrological re- gime is able to meet the appropriate ecological flows during the dry period and that of the flood period could achieve the river channel scouring except for the lack of flood pulse process. While, during April to June the hydrological processes are incapable of meeting the ecological flows and short of the flow pulsing for fish reproduction.