Formal semantics is one of research contents of computer science, which includes axiomatic, operational, denotational and algebraic semantics. General axiomatic semantics constructs a logical systems in virtue of Hoare triple such that a Hoare triple is correct if and only if it can be deduced from this logical system; the operational semantics studies the stepwise behaviour of a program from the point of transitionsystems; the denotational semantics remarks the semantics of a language by the corresponding mathematical objects (for example, set, function and so on), whose foundations are domain theory and 2-calculus; the algebraic semantics remarks the semantics of a language by the algebraic methods, whose foundations include category theory, the explanation and realization of abstract data types and so on. In addition, the weakest (liberal) precondition semantics are also axiomatic semantics. They both transform the postcondition to the corresponding weakest (liberal) precondition. The difference between them is. the former deals with total correctness programs (i. e. , the program must terminate), while the latter deals with partial correctness programs (i. e. , the program need not terminate).