Zhu Ling, received her Ph.D. degree in Business Management at Fudan University in China in 2011. She is now Lecturer of Marketing at School of Business, East China University of Science and Technology. Her research interests include con-sumer behaviors, Chinese market segmntation and brand ori-gin. Email: zhuling_pearl@ 163.com Pan Yu, received his Ph.D. degree in management science at the Institute of Business Adirmistra-tion (IGR-IAE) of University of Rennes 1 in France in 2009. He is now Professor of Marketing at Beijing University of Posts and Teleconmmuni-cations, China and holds the position of Deputy Dean at the Business School of the university. He is an expert in marketing, consumer behaviors, Service Marketing, especially in the tele-communications sector. He is guest professor at Shanghai Jiao-tong University, China and ESC-Rennes, France. Email: xiao-panyu@gmail.com Gao Li, received her M.S. degree in business ad-ministration at Shanghai Jiaotong University in 2008 and is now doing her Ph.D. project at Uni-versity of Rennes 1, France. She has been work- ing in the teleconmmunications industry in Chinafor over ten years which has given her an indepth insight to the Chinese telecom market. Her research interests include con-surfer behavior, cultural values and marketing, channel enable-ment, and so on. Email: li.gao@hotmail.com